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correct and prevent dental problem for long life

Invisalign Treatment in Hawthorn—Straighten Your Smile the Clear Way

Most adults prefer not to have train track-style braces as it affects their self-esteem. For them, Invisalign can be an ideal solution for fixing their crooked teeth. It is a type of orthodontic treatment that has brought a revolution in dentistry. This procedure employs a series of transparent aligners tailor-made for every patient’s unique dental requirement. Acting as guides, these clear, plastic braces gradually straighten your teeth to perfect alignment.


Avignon Dental Clinic offers quality Invisalign treatment in Hawthorn, helping people achieve radiant smiles. Our skilled dentists perform this procedure to address conditions like mild to moderate bite issues, crowding, and spacing in teeth. The first step of this process involves accessing your mouth and jaw structure to create customised plastic aligners. When these braces are in position, they apply gentle pressure to your teeth, progressively moving them into the desired places.


18 months of Invisalign treatment

A 35-year-old man has wanted to align his teeth since he was a teenager. He has been doing some self-directed clear aligner treatment, which did not give him the desired result. After 18 months of Invisalign treatment, he is very satisfied with the result.

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Advantages of Invisalign Over Traditional Braces


Many people suffer from dental problems, such as under bite, overbite, crowded teeth, etc. Though many treatments are available to rectify these conditions, they often get stuck between Invisalign and braces. Both are effective teeth-straightening solutions, however, here are some key benefits of choosing the former over the other:


Since aligner trays are transparent, they are virtually invisible when worn. No one needs to know you’re wearing a teeth-correcting device unless you tell them.

Lower Maintenance:

Traditional braces are a hassle to maintain. As metal brackets aren’t easy to clean, having good oral health becomes difficult. It could also lead to plaque accumulation. However, this is not the case with clear aligners. You can conveniently remove them when eating or drinking. Plus, they can be washed with toothpaste and warm water before wearing them again.

Predictive Planning:

One of the major advantages of this procedure is it’s easy to predict how your smile will look after completion. We employ advanced computer technology to envision the treatment’s course and outcome.

Easy to Remove:

You can eat and drink whatever you like as these invisible braces are removable. We recommend brushing your teeth and cleaning the aligners to maintain excellent oral hygiene.


Using advanced technology, we tailor-made each aligner to match the shape of our patient’s teeth. Invisalign is so versatile that anyone regardless of age can take this treatment. Our dentists may even design a plan specifically for teenage or younger patients, under parental direction.

More Comfort:

If you’ve ever worn braces, you know how uncomfortable they can be. Made of sharp brackets and wires, they cause tension to reposition the teeth. Moreover, this cycle of discomfort and soreness continues until the tension releases. On the contrary, clear braces are comfortable to wear as they are built with soft, flexible plastic.

Straighten Teeth with Invisible Braces—Schedule Your Consultation Now!

You can find many teeth-straightening products on the market, but you need to find the right one. When you choose dentists at Avignon Dental Clinic, rest assured of getting excellent results. We also help you avoid possible side effects with the wrong treatment.


Before committing to any treatment, be it Invisalign or other orthodontic procedures, we discuss your needs thoroughly. The other reasons that make us stand out include:


  1. Highly qualified dentists

  2. Services for children, adolescents, and adults

  3. Comfortable ambience at our dental clinic

  4. Appropriate pretreatment check-up

  5. Cutting-edge technology

  6. Open 6 days a week

  7. Convenient location


If you’re looking for Invisalign treatment in Hawthorn, it's time to speak with our professionals at Avignon Dental Clinic. Contact us on 03 9890 9641 or email us at to book an appointment.

Get a Beautiful Smile with Invisible Aesthetic Comfortable

Invisible Aesthetic Comfortable


If you would like to request an appointment, you can make an appointment online, or for more information about our services, please contact our friendly front desk team using the button below.

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