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Image by Peter Kasprzyk

​Dental Implant

correct and prevent dental problem for long life

A dental implant is a titanium screw into the jawbone where the tooth was pulled out. Over time, the jawbone will grow around the implant and hold the screw securely in place.


Later, implant crown, is attached to the dental implant screw to fill the space in the gap of missing tooth. The implant crown is made to match the surrounding teeth shape and colour. This treatment is generally completed three months after the screw has been placed.

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Dental Implant in Hawthorn
Avignon Dental Clinic in Hawthorn

Advantages of
​Dental Implant

· They look and feel like your own teeth.

· They are cared for in a similar way to natural teeth.

· Treatment does not involve or affect the teeth next door        to the dental implant. This is of benefit when those teeth    have not undergone past dental treatment.

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Not all people suitable for dental implant.

It requires detail assessment in dental health, medical conditions as well as medication.

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Dental implants - australian dental association (2023) Available at:


If you would like to request an appointment, you can make an appointment online, or for more information about our services, please contact our friendly front desk team using the button below.

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